miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino.
July 31, 2013

Source: Strange & Funny Pictures.

A fuckprint can be defined as the impact that a fuck has on the environment, directly or indirectly. A fuck can be eco-friendly or eco-unfriendly.

Nonhuman animal screwing as a whole results in eco-friendly fucks. Plants sexual life is also eco-friendly.

Therefore, their fuckprints are definitely sustainable, in the full sense of the word.

There may be exceptions to this rule as when man interferes or animals have been introduced in a different habitat. Thereby the exotic or invasive species has the possibility of multiplying exponentially and eventually upsetting the natural balance, especially if they have no direct predators. 

A similar situation may occur after natural disaster or an invasion of an island where there is not much food to go around. 

But eventually their fucking evens out and their fucks become eco-friendly.

Parasites fucking cannot be an exception, for their job is to keep natural populations in check. In Nature nothing is superfluous.

Eco-friendly fucks

Most people hate them. But they have a lot to teach human beings when in comes to having eco-friendly fucks.

They have short, happy and energy efficient lives. They are despised but are useful nevertheless.

Let us look at one of their fucks.

The male spotted a female and quickly swooped down towards her. They did not waste any time to have a good fuck. The sexual encounter was as brief as a primordial Big Bang.

Soon after the blissful seconds, the male disengaged his "phallus" and the pair separated and continue flying as if nothing had ever happened. 

Thus was the story of two house flies (Musca domestica) that were flying around in the living room of a country home. They had just had a swift and damn good fuck. 

No foreplay to heat up the sexual partner or risk of being rejected. No depressions, no guilty feeling, no trips to the psychologist or the priest and no furious arguing after the sexual intercourse. 

Neither were there heaps of bathroom tissue and towelettes soaked with "love" juice and lubricants and tangled up with pubic hairs piled by the bed

There was just an eco-friendly fuck. One of the simplest in Nature (Fig. 1) and costs nothing (Table 1)

Figure 1. Flies having an eco-friendly fuck. Source: TKM.

Table 1. The fuckprint of a house fly (Musca domestica).
Cost $US
Full insect equipment 

If any maggots ever come out of the eggs laid by the female house fly, their job would be to recycle what is to be recycled or become food for other creatures.

House flies (Musca domestica) can be vectors of food spoilage or parasitic diseases and therefore become a problem for human economic activities. But this is another story. 

These insects enjoy visiting places such as piles of shit, sewers, garbage heaps, dumps and other "beauties" produced by the "sapiens" antibiospheric human activities. They remind humans of their filthiness and shittiness.

But what is really important to keep in mind is that it is man alone the stupid creature that is screwing Earth. 

All creatures on this planet except man (Homo insapiens) go around doing their thing, "earning a living" in a selfish manner, including the social organisms, but in the end everything they do adds up to the maintenance of the Ecosphere

If animals sometimes cause havoc in their own habitat, for instance African elephants destroying too many trees, it is because man has interfered in the natural course of things. Animal borders do not fit into the artificial borders Europeans imposed on Africa. 

These large pachyderms are now penned in national parks and the boundaries of the African nations south of the Sahara Desert did not take into account the elephants national boundaries since people do not see elephants as other nations when they really are.

So we can safely say that animals interacting with one another and with the rest of the members of the natural communities keep the Biosphere sound and healthy.

Humans do the opposite. They go about doing their fucking things in a very selfish manner as well but their actions sum up to destruction, contamination and killing whatever they do, touch, gobble up or wherever they go.

Even in the jungle, small bands of aborigines screw up the small plot of nature where they live and after staying on the same spot a couple of years, they must move on when the soil gets poor and gives them no more crops. 

The idea that man ever lived in harmony with nature in the past is simply not true. Once examined under the microscope it does not hold true. 

Humans work as a whole against the maintenance of the Biosphere.

Although there are some attempts of doing some ecosystem bioremediation of degraded farmland or eroded mountainsides in some parts of the world, overall humans behave like a horrible cancer on Earth. 

Man has a specialised brain to think and solve problems to survive but his thinking machinery and machinations causes more problems than solve in the end. 

Moreover, he uses his brain not for what he should be doing: Acting as a good warden of Earth. He does the opposite. 

He is a fucking stupid beast, ecologically speaking. He scores the lowest on the ecological intelligence scale when compared to other creatures on Earth.

Eco-unfriendly fucks

The room suddenly became quiet. The couple of humans had just twisted, tumbled, shaken, screamed and squirted, engaged in their favourite past time, heavy duty sex on a wide water bed. 

After their huffing and puffing, both were worn out, sweaty and relaxed and soon were sawing wood.

Human fucks can be simple, a brief encounter in the bathroom or in a car and that´s it. 

They can also be very elaborated and complicated, with lots of twists and turns to reach the first fuck.

The most common situation is as follows.

The couple starts out with dating and going to restaurants or the movies and then they move on to bigger things like shopping or travelling together, little by little climbing the staircase to the bedroom until the big day of the first fuck or the wedding, if any, which can be a prosaic ceremony or an extravagant and expensive royal parade. 

So, for the male to start fucking, he has to invest a lot of time and money, which means impact on the environment in the end: energy for walking or gasoline for the car or bus, rubber for the condoms, bathroom tissue or wet towelettes, chocolates from plantations where children are exploited, hamburgers from deforested areas or sophisticated expensive meals prepared with energy expensive raw materials like the meat from grain-fed animals or exotic animals illegally trafficked, blood diamond rings, flower bouquets, wash detergents, soaps, perfumes, etc., etc., all linked to natural resources.

Of course, the male might get lucky and finds a rich and lonely woman who is willing to pay everything for him as long as he keeps fucking her. In which case, there is also consumption which is eventually tied to the environment.

So, human sexual encounters are eco-unfriendly fucks.

Human eco-unfriendly fucks differ as far as price is concerned. Some are cheap and the couple waste no time and gets busy fucking whenever and wherever they can. So their fuckprint is lower but it is always there nevertheless.

Others fucks can be very sophisticated and extremely expensive, with a huge fuckprint. Royal weddings are a good example of a wedding with a squandering and giant fuckprint (Table 2, Video 1). These are done to show off money and power and keep dumb people happy, dreaming of fairy tales of kings, princes, princesses, knights, wizards and dragons. To keep them with their minds away from any idea of mutiny or rebellion from their imaginary and tethered "freedom".

Table 2. The fuckprint of a human (Homo insapiens). The real costs of the recent British royal wedding. Data from Yahoo! Voices via RadarOnline.
Cost $US
Bride´s dress
Wedding ring
Wedding cake
Clean up

                                      Video 1. An example of a giant human fuckprint.

Since this royal wedding caused an increase in consumption of resources because of the tremendous tourist flow (energy waste) into the island, the ramifications and real impact of this human eco-unfriendly fuck (i.e., the fuckprint) on the fabric of the Biosphere remains unknown. 

Therefore, human fuckprints are detrimental to the environment, and contribute to the deterioration of the Biosphere. They are unsustainable.
Summing up, human fucks are not sustainable. Humans are not sustainable unless they are dead. 


Fowler C. W. (2009). Systemic Management: Sustainable Human Interactions with Ecosystems and the Biosphere. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 295 p. + 6 appendices.

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martes, 30 de julio de 2013


By Salvatore Scimino
July 30, 2013

Basiliscus basiliscus. Source: WAZA.

Animals had organised a party to celebrate life. Everyone had an intense hope that humans left Nature alone so each could enjoy its own space without having to worry about being killed, enslaved or losing their homes and families.

Two happy green basilisk lizards got together to talk about human behaviour. One lizard says to the other:

- Don´t you think humans are so vain, trying to imitated our beautiful crests?

- Yeah, but they look so ridiculous and fake. Ours are the real things. Their hats are crazy and are nothing but cheap imitations used to hide a small head, thin hair, baldness, to look taller, transmit a sensation of power or stand out in a crowd of silly people, exclaimed the other.

- At least the days when these naked apes would go out and kill every ostrich they could get their hands on to pluck their feathers for their crazy hats are over, continued one of the lizards.

- That is true but humans are still in the dark ages, always going about shooting and killing our brethren. And don´t forget these two legged beasts have ostrich farms where our friends are fattened and then have their throats cut, added the other lizard. 

- Humans are doing such a lousy job minding their own business. They are so treacherous and wicked. They won´t be happy until they exterminate every living thing on the face of the Earth, said a rhino that join the conversation.

- Unfortunately this is true, said one of the lizards.

- Do you think they have long to live the way they are going so full of insanity?, asked the rhino to the basilisks.

- Unless they learn to live within the limits set by Mother Nature, we doubt humans will continue under the sun, replied both lizards.

- Let us drink to that!, agreed the three friends.

The host of the party, an elegant cassowary, announced that there was a clip for everyone to enjoy. It was a movie about those ridiculous hats some females had been wearing recently at one of those extravagant parades humans are known for when they get together with the view of reproducing more of their own dangerous kind. 

The movie was called "Crazy hats for crazy occasions" (Video 1). It was the latest in a series to portray the insane lives of these two legged naked apes.

                             Video 1. The Movie "Crazy hats for a crazy occasions".

Everybody was surprised and laughed a lot watching man´s ingeniousness to complicate his life and fuck up everyone else´s.

Welcome to the human zoo!!!

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013


By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
July 27, 2013

Source: Cutest Paw

Listen, dear children, our parents used to say, this is "The Tale of Silvino and the King´s Dogs" which goes like this, but pay close attention for there is a lesson to be learned:

Once upon a time there was a very lazy man who came up with the idea that it was easier to dispatch beyond the line of no return all his neighbours´ dogs rather than going to work the farming fields or toiling after the harvest in the city markets, where he was hassled and laughed at because of his big feet.

So he befriended all the canines in his neighbourhood. He lured them with bread spread with butter and honey. All the dogs were tricked but one. This smart dog thought that this lazy man was up to no good. 



Por Gundhramns Hammer
27 de julio de 2013

Fuente: Google Imágenes.

Según algunos investigadores, el Vaticano es el centro neurálgico de donde emanan todos los hilos que mueven al mundo. Dicen que el Papa es el "banquero de Dios". 

Hay sectas que están aparentemente fuera del ámbito de la Iglesia Católica Romana que aseguran que el Papa es el "banquero del diablo". Otras le llaman el "anticristo".

Al menos es lo que dicen los rumores. Lo que rueda por la internet. Hay para todos los gustos.

Lo primero no tiene sentido, puesto que un Dios omnipotente no necesita dinero ni de nadie.

En cuanto a lo segundo, el diablo (djinn) tampoco necesita dinero pero hay algo que sí necesita para permanecer en nuestro plano (densidad, dimensión), de acuerdo a los estudiosos de demonología. 

Pero los humanos sí "necesitan" dinero. Se les ha inducido a que lo necesiten. Y los humanos son hijos de diablos, según las más antiguas leyendas, las que luego fueron tergiversadas y adaptadas según convenía con el paso del tiempo, porque sólo demiurgos imperfectos necesitarían crear semejantes criaturas con cerebros delicados, maniáticas y desequilibradas, las cuales pueden un minuto estar tan suaves como la seda y al próximo volverse duras y malvadas.

Por esta razón, los diablos necesitan de los humanos, pues se dice que los demonios necesitan la energía emanada de los cerebros tramadores de los humanos (Homo insapiens).

Y los humanos no es que necesiten del dinero, pues no se come, pero sí necesitan lo que adquieren con él para "vivir". 

Pero esta bestia bípeda primatoide llamada "hombre" no sólo vive del pan. Necesita más que eso.

Necesita poder. Poder para joder, poder para gobernar, poder para agasajar, poder para hincharse su pecho, poder para avasallar, poder para marcar, poder para comprar lo que no se come ni necesita, poder para follar, poder para cagarse encima de otros, poder para tener poder, etc.

El humano (PIE, dghem = humus, mierda) es un bicho mierdero que no puede pasar sin el poder y eso sí que se lo puede dar el dinero, toda vez que los demás sean tan tontos como el que busca el poder tenga mucho poder para que los que no tienen poder puedan creerle al que blande el poder eso de su poder. Y de tontos e imbéciles está lleno el mundo.

Pero venga ... entremos al centro del poder, donde no está el poder, pues existe otro poder que está detrás de este poder y que tiene el poder del poder para poder esconder el poder detrás del poder que no es el poder, un poder que no es poder puesto que no hay poder sin que tú les des el poder, y que es exactamente donde está el poder, tu poder que tampoco es poder porque no es tu poder sino que pertenece al que no necesita poder pero tiene todo el poder: 




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