domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014



By Gundhramns Hammer & Salvatore Scimino
February 9, 2014 
Select, paste & translate

Have you ever wonder what is in the spaghetties? Do you think it is just durum wheat as the list of ingredients indicate? Or is there anything more that you are not aware of?

Gone are the days when you planted the wheat, when you harvested it and reaped the benefits of it. Although it was a lot of work and toil, at least at the end of the chain you were eating the real thing: Wheat.

But for A or B reasons you gave up or were made to give up the plot of land, if you ever had one, and headed to the big city to become a sophisticated hand and live a “better life”. 

Living on a 9 to 5 job and the weekend and a few other days of the year here and there to recuperate from your real modern “slavery”.

And you go on and on this way until you become an old person and the top baboons have sucked you dry and left you like a dried prune.

After this vampirising process, they kick you out of the production line with a measly pension. This is the case for most people in the “developed” nations and some lucky ones in the “developing” countries.

Some of these “retired” people have a hard time or cannot paid their utilities to heat their ass during the winter time, if they live in northern latitudes. Neither can they pay their home insurance.

So they usually end up going to a bank or financial joint to borrow money to pay what they have to pay. The rest of the year, they scratch here and there to pay their debt. Little by little they go on paying to the loaning sharks. That is if they are ever able to pay it back anyway, for it becomes a never ending cycle of borrowing money and paying back.

This is the normal pattern. Unless you are one of those lucky ones who have a good paying job, you are a crook or a creepy and snakey politician and have managed to put more eggs in the retirement basket, then the whole story is a different matter.

It is widely known that some people get rich using the laws of economy extracted from the mountain of laws made for and by the ones who make the laws to protect those who control the laws of economy. Thus, they they have the right cards to play this game and become rich.

If you are a good player in this legal thievery game, then you will end up having more than what you need, taken directly or indirectly away from those who were near or far away from you and who also had needs but they did not know how to play this fucking game well, ignored the rules or were forced out of the game and ended up with little or nothing and everything went for the few ones who knew how to play well in this rotting game called “democratic market economy”.

But let us not get stray and get back to what we are talking about.

Since the olden days wheat (Triticum aestivum) has been one of the most important crops in the history on mankind. It is a very versatile cereal. It is one of the staple foods for millions of people on planet Earth.

But this story has changed now. Most people do not ever see how wheat, or any food item is produced by that matter,  let alone where it comes from. And most folks do not give a fuck about it anyway.

They do not give a shit unless they cannot shit or get really sick from eating shit, any sophisticated food item.

By sophisticated we mean that foods have been altered in their essence by adding chemical additives (Fig. 1) or any other strange substance to it.

Figure 1. The danger addtive list. Source: Runner´s Fuel.

And such sophisticated food items can be found by the thousands at any supermarket nowadays (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Sophisticated foods. Source: voiceofeden.

In case you are amongst those folks who are not on medication and pay enough attention to what you eat or have eaten and the notice or have noticed any change in your body, be it an ache, behavioural change or anything different than usual, then it will be a different story.

But most people are so alienated nowadays that they cannot tell their own ass from a hole in the ground.

Most people usually notice nothing at all until it is too late, when their fucking bodies quit working. It time time to go see the doctor or take you to the funeral home! 

The sophistication of wheat 

Wheat can be wheat if man let it be wheat. But man is an economical and greedy creature and has found ways to literally squeeze milk out of turnips!

He squeezes wheat and make it, change it, turn it into sophisticated wheat or make it look like wheat even though it carries little, nothing or is no wheat at all. 

And now wheat is even transgenic! But GM wheat could well be a double edged knife.

Why settle with just plain wheat when you can get more money out of selling sophisticated wheat? Thus goes the philosophy with no sophos of the modern industrialists.

A few decades back, people used to use their own home grown wheat grains to manufacture flour to make wholesome bakery products or pasta. This is what you can call healthy foods.

But then the Age of Sophistication came along and all of a sudden wheat became a golden egg goose.

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) has now become the source for numerous products in the food industry. Most processed foods contain wheat including gluten. Here is a short list:

  • White wheat flour,
  • Enriched wheat flour,
  • Instant drinks,
  • Wheat germ,
  • Wheat bran,
  • Bread,
  • Baked goods,
  • Breakfast cereals,
  • Pasta,
  • Cooking oil,
  • Biofuel,
  • Breaded and battered foods,
  • Gravy and dip mixes,
  • Salad dressings,
  • Beer,
  • Wine,
  • Pizza,
  • Vegetables in sauce,
  • Canned soups,
  • Sauces,
  • Desserts,
  • Sweets,
  • Protein for processed meats,
  • Cheese spreads,
  • Artificial cheese,
  • Artificial milk,
  • Imitation or synthetic meats,
  • Condiments,
  • Ground spices,
  • Pet foods,
  • Animal feed,
  • Baby foods,
  • Etc. 

The medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries also use wheat in some of their formulations. 

Here we are talking about the fractionation of wheat, the raw material, into different components, producing a diversification of components which can then be commercialised alone or mixed, with the addition of preservatives, additives, fortifying chemicals and other substances. In short, wheat and its byproducts have been sophisticated, adulterated to fit into man´s economic schemes and whims.

The more the manufacturers took the essence out of wheat and the more they added other strange products to add volume and made it more expensive and/or “protect” the consumers´ health, then the more they made more money.

Wheat has been turned into a plethora of sophisticated products.

And with its sophistication came along the risk or danger of illness. 

Sophisticated wheat flour (i.e., whitened, adulterated with additives and preservatives) is one of the main sources of disease in humans. Believe it or not.

And this sophistication story does not end here. It has continued with biotechnologists and bioengineers having genetically modified the source of the raw materials - the miraculous wheat plant into what is called GM wheat (e.g., Monsanto´s wheat tolerant to glyphosate). And this story is not finished yet. 

Food technologists are always working hard to find new ways to rearrange wheat molecules for “our own benefit”

But this is another bag of bread and we will leave it at that.

Now let us see what we mean when we say sophisticated spaghetties or pasta. 

Sophisticated spaghetties: Additives al dente to burn up your butt 

Who can deny that pasta is one of the most delicious foods in the world? Now, now, almost nobody.

But a few centuries back some people would have said that they found pasta rather boring. But there was an event that would changed this story forever.

On their way back to Europe, Spanish conquistadors brought tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) from the New World. 

The word tomato is derived from Nahuatl tomatl (from verb tomaua = to fatten up, with a fat or thick appearance) which means fat object (Andrews, 1975).

One of the oldest traces of the introduction of tomato in Italy is reported in the Herbarium of “equitis Joannis Baptista Morandi, Mediolanensis, Botanici Galenici pictoris” edited in 1731.

Since Europeans knew some hallucinogens such as henbane, belladonna and mandrake in the same nightshade family (Solanaceae), the tomato was received with suspicion and distrust. It acquired the reputation of being poisonous and as a result, the tomato was left out of the diet (Álvarez López, 1945).  

It took some time for Europeans to realise the wonders of this botanical miracle. 

But soon hunger hit the vein and people got to know the tomatoes´ bonanza. People started using tomatoes in their diets. Eventually eating pasta in Italy or anywhere reached heights undreamed of.

Spaghetties, or any pasta, with tomato sauce became a wonderful meal. Yum! Yum!

But there was a time when spaghetties were made of wholesome durum wheat right at home. Now it is a different story.

Spaghettis and other pasta products are now manufactured at big factories and what appears to be wheat products is more than wheat.

Spaghetties are now more than just spaghetties, despite of what the label says.

They have additives which can make you restless and worst yet, burn the epithelium of your colon, especially if you are nearing the top or going down the hill of your life (50 years). Spaghetties have been sophisticated.

After having a big dish of delicious spaghetties, the following day you may notice nothing.

But keep adding to your gut other sophisticated wheat products: White bread, white flour pancakes, white flour hamburger buns, white flour donuts, white flour cakes... Then sooner or later you will feel a crinch of pain at the colon, if you are lucky. Your body is telling you to quit eating crap right away.

But if you are close to the top of the hill or over the hill (50 years of age) on the way to the end of your sophisticated life and you are on a never ending stuffing up with any white flour product + meat, a deadly combination, anything you can get, soon you will be out of luck.

You will get arthritis, a terrible appendicitis or worst yet, colon cancer and the next thing you know you are in the surgery room or kick the bucket.

Any traffic jam in your intestines – i.e., you can´t shit – spells trouble. You had better listen to your body. Your bowels and intestinal microbiota are telling you enough is enough.

Of course, if you are on pain medication you will notice nothing and will go on until your colon rots away and you get a damn giant ball of cancer (Fig. 3). Which means that pasta al dente or sophisticated foods have dented your butt, haven´t they?

Figure 3. Adenocarcinoma of the colon (colon cancer). Source: My VMC

This cancer will send you to the surgery room and lose a piece of your large intestine. Or if the disease is too far advanced, you had better make the arrangements with the funeral home, for you are soon to kick the bucket.

Kids and adults who eat too much of these sophisticated (adulterated) foods including wheat products and of course pasta (full of additives & their gang) may get the following health problems, sooner or later: 

  • Asthma,
  • Short of breath,
  • Allergies,
  • Skin rashes and other cutaneous problems,
  • Scalp dermatitis,
  • Headaches,
  • Heartburn,
  • Stomachaches,
  • Obesity,
  • Thyroid disorders,
  • Constipation,
  • Hyperactivity disorder,
  • Nervousness,
  • Restless leg syndrome,
  • Short temper,
  • Temper tantrums,
  • Anger fits,
  • Ear aches,
  • Achy muscles,
  • Arthritis,
  • Inflamed intestines,
  • Itchy groins,
  • Itchy ass and perianal zone,
  • Irritable bowel syndrome,
  • Colon cancer,
  • Hemorrhoids,
  • Diabetes type 2,
  • Pancreas cancer,
  • Dark bags under the eyes (a sign kidneys are not functioning well),
  • Kidney stones,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Lack of attention,
  • Alzheimer´s disease,
  • Depression,
  • Panic attacks,
  • Fatigue, 
  • Etc., etc. 

But what the fuck do spaghetties contain anyway? What makes them sophisticated and nasty to our health? 

This is what manufacturers put in pasta, with the OK of the health authorities (Table 1): 

Table 1. Chemical additives in spaghetties and the like products. Source: Codex General Standard for Food Additives (Codex Stan 192-1995).

What was that? Let us find out!

Now let us get busy. Let us decipher the above sophisticated food hieroglyphics and see what they are and what the fuck these additives do to our health (Table 2): 

Table 2. List of additives  found in pastas and the like and their health effects. Based on our own investigation.

Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C source, flavour enhancing agent, antioxidant in foods.

Vitamin C is produced industrially from glucose by the Reichstein method. This process involves a series of chemical steps through which starch is converted to glucose, and then to sorbitol. Finally, microorganisms are used in ascorbic acid production from sorbitol.

Therefore, industrial ascorbic acid may cause allergies because it may contain traces of GM fungi (e.g., Kluyveromyces lactis, Zygosaccharomyces bailii).

The raw materials (corn (Zea mays) or wheat (Triticum aestivum)] for the industrial production of ascorbic acid may come from genetically modified crops.

Large doses of vitamic C supplements may cause heartburn and  stomachaches, especially if taken after meals or at night before going to bed.
Calcium carbonate
Colouring and firming agent.

It may cause allergies, bronchitis, asthma, irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory systems.

Large doses may cause irritation or burning in the colon, anus and perianal zone.

Calcium carbonate upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Colouring agent for foods.

It may be of animal origin or from artificial beta-carotene.

It causes loss of night vision, skin discolouration, sensitivity to glare, recurrent hivesand  “gold dust” retinopathy (Statham, 2007).

Canthaxanthin upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Caramel IV – Sulfite ammonia caramel
Colouring and flavouring agent. It is made using ammonia.

It may be from sugar cane, sugar beet or corn starch. This raw material may be transgenic.

It may cause allergies, bronchitis and asthma, burning sensation in the rectum, anus and perianal zone.

Caramel can also cause vitamin B6 deficiencies, certain genetic defects and even cancer (Pandey & Upadhyay, 2012).

Large doses of E150c may cause colon cancer.

Caramel IV upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Carotenes, beta, vegetable
E-160e [beta-apo-8´-carotenal (C30)
Colouring agents.

E-160e [beta-apo-8´-carotenal (C30) is a synthetic product. 

Natural beta-carotene is a member of the carotenoid group, which are liposoluble and pigmented (orange, reds, yelows) compounds.

This one, along with alpha and gamma carotenes, are pro-vitamins, which means that they can become vitamin A, a very important vitamin for our health.

Beta -carotene is naturally present in vegetables (e.g., carrots) and fruits (e.g., pumpkins, sweet potaoes) with orange and red colour; in cereals; grains and oils.

Food industry uses beta-carotene extracted from oil palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis) which come from large plantations involved in the destruction of tropical rain forests and biodiversity; also obtained from GM corn or from fermentation based on GM fungi
(Blakeslea trispora, Serratia marcescens, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Rhodotorula spp.) and from cultivated algae (Haematococcus pluvialis, Dunaliella bardawil, D. salina).

As a general rule, food manufacturers use artificial beta-carotene which is chemically different from the one extracted from natural sources.

People who consume a good quantity of fruits and vegetable riched in carotenoids have a lower risk of cancer, according to the experts.

On the other hand, artificial beta-carotene, the one found in vitamin suplements bought at the supermarkets, is not recommended because it has the opposite effect.

Synthetic beta-carotene may cause allergies and headaches.

Beta-carotene used to be considered innocuous but recent research shows that this compound interacts with ethanol.

The combination of beta-carotene and ethanol produces hepatotoxicity (Leo & Lieber, 1999).

Furthermore, tobacco smokers who also consume ethanol and take beta-carotene supplements have a higher risk of contracting lung cancer (Leo & Lieber, 1999; Russell, 2002; Netzer, 2000).

According to the European Food Safety Authority (2012), β-apo-8´carotenal (E-160e) causes reproductive system dysfunctions, cancer and mutagenic and cytogenic effects in experimental animals.

Artificial beta-carotenes upset the intestinal microbiota.
Citric acid
Citric acid was originally extracted from lemon juice but nowadays it is commercially obtained from fermentation processes in the laboratory.

This fermentation process uses transgenic fungi acting on sugarcane molasses and dextrose as raw materials (Aspergillus niger).

Therefore, coming from fungi, this citric acid may cause allergies if consumed.

External use (cosmetology) may cause skin allergies (dermatitis, exfoliation) and eye irritation.

Persons sensible to MSG should avoid synthetic citric acid.

Statham (2007) indicates that E330 can complicate the herpes virus simplex.

E330 upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Diacetyltartaric and fatty acids esters of glycerol (DATEM)
Emulsifier, stabilizer, sequestrant,
flavoring agent for foods (Ash, 2008).

DATEM may cause intestinal problems, bloating and diarrhoea in adults and should not be given to infants or children younger than 2 years of age.

Diacetyl and fatty acids esters of glycerol upset the intestinal microbiota.
Fumaric acid
Used as antioxidant, emulsifier, stabiliser  and food acid.

It is made by the fermentation of glucose or molasses by transgenic fungi.

Fumaric acid is considered safe to eat.

However, it can cause allergies, irritation to the eyes, skin, respiratory problems (coughing, wheezing, sneezing, bronchitis, asthma) and may damage the kidneys.

Fumaric acid upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Lactic acid
Preservative, stabilising and antioxidant agent.

It is produced by bacteria in fermented foods.

Industrial lactic acid is produced by bacterial fermentation on starch and molasses. The raw material may come from transgenic crops (corn, beet) and the bacterial strains may be genetically engineered for such purpose.

No side effects are known in adults but stereoisomers of lactates (D- or DL-lactates) should not be given to babies and small children (Food-Info, 2013).

Large doses of transgenic produced lactic acid upset the intestinal microbiota.
Malic acid
Acidity regulator and flavouring agent.

Malic acid is an organic compound found naturally in fruits. It is an important component in the Krebs cycle in cell physiology.

In an age when people are obsessed with looking young and inmortality, malic acid supplements may cause headaches, gastrointestinal problems such as stomach aches, bloating and cramping and even diarrhoea in some consumers.

Recent research has shown that people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia may get pain relief by eating foods high in malic acid or taking suplements of this acid.

You should consult your physician before taking malic acid supplements.

Commercial malic acid may upset the intestinal microbiota.

Phosphates are organic ester compounds found naturally in protein-rich foods (soja, beans, fish, dairy products, etc.)

When these natural phosphate esters are consumed, they are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract.

But sophisticated or processed foods contain too much phosphates or polyphosphates.

Phosphates additives are used in food industry as preservatives, emulsifying, acidifying, acidity buffer and flavour enhancing agents.

Phosphates are widely used by the cheese and meat industry as preservatives. They are also found in soft drinks, energy drinks and powdered products such as chocolate, milk and fruit juices.

Commercial phosphates (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium) additives cause renal and cardiovascular problems, large intestine irritation, anal and perianal itching and even hemorrhoids.

Phosphate additives upset the intestinal microbiota.
E20, E40, E60, E65, E80
Emulsifier, dispersant, solubiliser and stabiliser agents.

Polysorbates, for example E80, are practically in anything that has been touched and sophisticated by man´s industrial hand.

Polysorbates can be found from processed foods such as chewing gum, ice cream and shortening to chemical and pharmaceutical products such as cosmetics, vaccines, cancer drugs, and vitamins and supplements.

Polysorbates cause various health problems which can go from mild to severe.

They can produce allergic reaction (sneezing, coughing, skin rashes, itching and pain, swelling, shortness of breath, swollen tongue, etc.); ocular problems (eye irritation or damage); cardiovascular problems (cardiac arrythmia, heart attack, stroke); reproductive problems (lack of libido, erectile dysfunction or impotence, infertility and vaginal irritation in women); gastrointestinal problems (stomachaches, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, large intestine irritation); anal and perianal itching, hemorrhoids and anal bleeding; and tumours and cancer.

After drinking beverages which contain polysorbates, some people may develop abdominal pain at the lower right corner of the abdomen, where the appendix is located, a condition which can be confused with appendicitis by inexperienced physicians at hospitals.

Polysorbates upset the intestinal microbiota.
Potassium carbonate
E501 (i)
Buffering, softening, acidity regulator, drying, rising and baking agent.

Industrial potassium carbonate causes irritation and corrosion of the eyes, the skin, the respiratory tract and digestive system.

If ingested, pure potassium carbonate can produce irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract with nausea, vomiting and severe burns.

Potassium carbonate used in industrial food products can cause dermatitis of the scalp, forehead and hands (Statham, 2007) and irritation and pain in the colon, and anal and perianal itching. Too much of it may produce hemorrhoids and colon and anal cancer.

Potassium carbonate upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Sodium acetate
E262 (i)
Also known as sodium ethanoate.

Sodium acetate is a chemical agent with multiple  uses:  Preservative, seasoning and flavouring in food industry; neutralising in textile industry; tanning in leather industry; and dying in photography.

It is often used in meat and poultry as a flavour enhancing agent.

Sodium acetate in foods may cause allergies, headaches, restlessness and colon irritation.

Direct exposure to sodium acetate cause eye and skin irritation.

Ingestion or inhalation of large doses of sodium acetate can produce nausea, vomiting, chest and abdominal pain and loss of counsciousness in some people.

Sodium acetate upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Sodium carbonate
Anticaking and acidity regulator agent.

It may cause headaches, allergies, skin rashes, respiratory problems and irritate the colon, rectum, anus and perianal zone.

According to Statham (2007), large doses of sodium carbonate can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting, diarrhoea, shock and death.

Sodium carbonate upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Sodium hydrogen carbonate
E500 (ii)
Also known as sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. Used in bakery as a leavening agent.

Sodium bicarbonate is used as an antiacid to relieve acid indisgestion and heartburn.

In medicine, it is often used to bring down blood and urine acidity.

Sodium bicarbonate should be taken with caution, especially if you are on a sodium-restricted diet. Children should avoid it.

Used as antiacid to fight digestion problems, sodium bicarbonate may lead to hypernatremia (increase of sodium level in the body), a condition with a blood sodium level exceeding 140mM.

Hypernatremia also occurs when the body is subjected to dehydration or the person is not drinking sufficient water.

Too much sodium in the body leads to headaches, restlessness, nervousness, agitation and mucus membranes become dry. 

Convulsions and coma will develop when sodium levels are extremely high in the body.

Sodium hydrogen carbonate upsets the intestinal microbiota.
Sodium lactate
Emulsifier, antioxidant, humectant, moisturiser, acidity regulator, bulking, crisping and firming agent.

Plasticiser substitute for glycerin.

It is produced by fermentation of corn or beet sugar whose raw material may be of transgenic origin.

Sodium lactate may cause a panic response in patients who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

This panic response includes chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, paresthesias, light-headedness, and mental confusion MCS patients (Binkley & Kutcher, 1997) and changes in heart rate, anxiety and mood disorders in women with PMS (Facchinetti et al., 1992).

Sodium lactate upsets the intestinal microbiota.

Horrible, isn´t it?

Now you know why your butt itches and/or your colon is dented. Perhaps totaled. 

Moreover, this is one of the chief reasons why you are now shapeshiting into an alien.

Now you know why you feel funny or feel like fucking right away after having a big pasta meal.

Of course, if you are not tuned at all with your body, you will not notice a damn thing.

Spaghetties are delicious and wonderful to eat. But the days of good and healthy spaghetties are now over.  

Over unless you have control over the whole cycle: Planting the wheat, nurturing it, harvesting, milling, making the pasta and cooking it, otherwise you will eat shit. As simple as that.

And to top it all off, what you read on the spaghetties or any pasta label on the package does not have anything to do with the truth.

The truth of the truth of what should be the truth and nothing but the truth over the truth of any food deals you get at the grocery store may not be the thruth. 

Remember, “the truth can be adjusted.”

Furthermore, there are some health directives that allow food manufacturers not to put the ingredients of their secret recipes on the label; or if an ingredient is less that 25% of the total of the ingredients, then they will not put them on the label either.

This way if you read the spaghetties label you will only see: 100% durum wheat. Fuck!

Big food corporations can get away with murder sometimes and many a times, can´t they?

Their philosophy without sophos is if we can have the cake and eat it too, then we are in for a big kill in business. And this is exactly what happens. The global elite gets the whole damn cake.

And along the way, to “protect our health” (which may or may not be true), to “keep microorganisms in foods away” (which is true), to “make food items last longer on the shelves” (which is true), to “give us more choice with foods at the store” (which is true), to “make more money” (which is also true), the food industrialists add additives and other related substances of the same chemical gang to any sophisticated stuff we eat. 

Hmmm.... If we could just make our human cattle somehow stay ill forever we would feather our nest, some global food oligarchs often say when concocting and cooking up.

And voilá... People do get sick consuming sophisticated stuff. Slowly at times, fast at other times. But sick they get

This reminds us what an expert once told us in the hall at a food technology symposium: “It makes sense to make people sick, for it is essentially true that the owners of the food industry are usually found in the pharmaceutical companies as directives or shareholders. And if you follow the money trail, you will also find politicians sleeping in the same bed.” 

After all, the best livestock farming in the world is human cattle ranching. Humans are the best cattle to make money with in the world. If you do not think so, ask any billionaire. 

Man: From one sophistication to another sophistication until doomsday 

Man is going from one sophistication to another sophistication until his sophistications will put him in a sophisticated situation of ecological crisis.

This ecological crisis is already here.

Will man be sophisticated enough to get out of this mess of sophistications that are killing him surely but slowly? 

What will the end of this chain of sophistications be? His doom?

These are sophisticated questions that need not sophistication to solve. 

It is only a matter of putting the horse before the wagon. But man insists on putting the wagon before the horse.

In the end, this sophisticated highway man is riding on right now can lead to two things: More sophistication to postpone a sophisticated death or a closer to home extinction.

Will man wake up and get out of his sophisticated dream on time?

That is the tough question.

We must go the “simplify, simplify” way, as Henry David Thoureau said.

We are working on it. Are you?


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