miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


By Gundhramns Hammer
March 5, 2014
Select, paste & translate

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every year could contain our Final Hour. And yet we think we will live forever, being such fragile creatures.

Although some people are planning on living forever downloaded inside a robot or cyborg. 

But if people cannot stand a day because of despair and depression sometimes, how will they cope with eternally lasting days? 

For sure, we will only reach the stars when dead, as atoms.

We are all on a final countdown. 

So, let us think at least twice before we act. 

And when we decide to act, let us make sure we will add sweet and fresh sap to this world that is withering away before our very own eyes.

To begin with, watch what you eat

What you eat could be tied to a rope leading directly to your neck, or your children´s or someone else´s necks.

What you eat could be tied directly or indirectly to the pocket of the mafia.

As a matter of fact, in a globalised world where industrialists and consumers have gone berserk, you would be surprised how many imported foods and luxurious delicatessen really are.

Farmed shrimps are one good example. 

Shrimp farming is one of the main causes of destruction of mangroves around the world.

For more details about the disappearance of mangroves and the environmental impact of shrimp aquaculture, please read Warne, (2011). 

This sophisticated business is not only nasty to the environment but also to poor people (Videos 1-2). 

                        Video 1. The devastating truth behind shrimp farming.

                       Video 2. Murky waters: Shrimp farming in Bangladesh.

Consumers may also be at risk, for many stingy shrimp megafarmers, to cut expenses along the production line, feed their shrimps with pellets elaborated using chicken shit and poultry waste, the so-called "biowaste" or "gallinaza" in Spanish, as raw material.

Hmmm... Chicken poop for shrimp?

Fuck! Has man not learnt the lesson from cow rendering and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy yet? 

Moreover, as if this was not enough. 

Sometimes shrimp farming is actually narcofarming

This means that drug traffickers and farmers have gotten together to do heavy money laundering

So, what you have just bought at the supermarket and thought was only a box of shrimps might turned out to be a package of narcofood

In other words, you bought narcoshrimps!

Ecology has taught us many good lessons. One is that everything is connected in this world. 

Do you feel connected or disconnected connected to it?

Whatever your answer might have been, it did not matter to you but did matter to others. 

You are always connected to everything despite of how you feel, with or without you realising.

To solve our ecological crisis, what you feel regarding the environment and what you eat are both important, to avoid making things worse than they already are.

Our dining tables are a battlefield. 

No wonder it has been said that the "spoon is our best weapon"

Let us see how we are doing.

Do you feel the rope around your neck? Do your kids feel the rope around their necks?  

If not, it is time to wake up.

We all must wake up!!

Remember, we all are on a final countdown. 

Let us make sure our today is positive for everyone around and beyond ourselves. 

Watching what we eat is the best place to start the day for more days to come for everyone. 

Let us make our final countdown count as positive for everyone.


Warne K. (2011). Let Them Eat Shrimp: The Tragic Disappearance of the Rainforests of the Sea. Island Press/Shearwater Books, Washington, DC, USA. 166 p.

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